If Big Brother isnt already watching, Bill Gates and Microsoft want to make sure he is in the close future. This is so eerily creepy and right out of the pages of George Orwell's 1984, i couldn't believe what i was reading. Ok, so here's the low down . . . . . .
. . . . anyone read 1984? I read it earlier this year. Good Book. There was one aspect of the book where the government could watch and control everything you did at home through 'Telescreens.' The point of these telescreens were to keep its subjects under constant surveillance, thus eliminating the chance of secret conspracies against their government. The telescreens were very sensitive, and they could even tell your heartrate, so if you were doing something bad, like having sex, youd come and be taken away. When i read the book, i found the idea plausible, but pretty far fetched to actually be a reality. But now Satansoft, i mean Microsoft, have submitted a patent (http://appft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PG01&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=%2220070174117%22.PGNR.&OS=DN/20070174117&RS=DN/20070174117) to have one such device created, but not for the same purpose as in 1984, they want to use it for advertising........ .. . for now . . .
What it would do is use cameras, biometric sensors, and other tools that would determine if you are sitting in front of the TV, or if any other identifiable person is in the room. BIOMETRIC SENSORS!!!!!!!! Why you ask, whats the point . . . . . advertising . . . . . since we are living in an On Demand, Tivo, DVR type world, us as consumers are breezing by commercials, or not even given the chance of watching them (hense the 15-30 second commercials you get while watching 'free online TV shows') and apparently taking money out of the pockets of the already rich because we dont see their fucking advertisment 14 times a day until its gets drilled into our head and we sing the little jingle without knowing it . . . . . . oops, sorry, went into a little rant there. . . . . ok, back to the point.
On the surface, its weird, but not an evil idea. But when they (the gov't) further figure out the extent of that this could be used, thats when the scaryness comes in to play. I guess we dont have to buy one, or put one in our houses. Honestly Miscrsoft, who will buy a TV, knowing its going to gather info about you and advertise to you??????? Unless the government makes it manditory. ...chew on it
What its designed to do is identify you and members of your household by your age, sex, marital status, and career, and OF COURSE it would be connected to your computer with a Microsoft system, which could then also gather information like e-mail, appointments, notes, and buying habits, and then the final product would provide highly targeted ads for each member of your household. Think of it like a website you buy from, and it uses your purchase history to give you 'recommended items' that you might like or thinks you 'need' based on that. But this microsoft approach is much much creepier.
Bill Gates is a nice guy... his company is bullshit. I go open source when I can.
Well he does have a foundation . . . . . .i dont think it compares to the Stephen and Melinda Gates Foundation though.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is now the largest charity organization in the world, after Warren Buffett's 50-some-billion-dollar-donation.
Foundation aside, the guy alone has given $29 billion to various causes since 2000. Sure, he got that money through bullshit litigation and marketing a crap product that he got through plagiarism... but he's doing the right thing with the money itself.
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